"CAD2" is right, you'll get almost as many different answers as there are people answering. So, to proove him right here's a suggestion from me (Take Only Under Doctor's Advice, and pay no attention to the nickname).
One of the newer radio systems 'over here' uses 2.4 Ghz and has several very nice features. It looks for a clear frequency when turned on, can be made to work with any receiver made for it (your's, your friend's, whatever), has a control mixing option, and 6 channel controls. I think you guys have it 'over there', but can't really say if it's the same, or the same price. Made by 'Spektrum'. It's a very nice radio system. I also woould not recommend it for everyone, it's just not needed in most cases.
'Best' advice is basically the same as 'CAD2's, stay toward the high end as far as frequency goes, get your hands on the thing before buying to see if it 'suits' you, look for something that's a bit more than you think you'll need, be frugal, and buy from a reputable dealer (that warranty really is worth having!).
And of course, you didn't know about any of that (and that 'bet' is worth almost as much as my last lottory ticket)...
- 'Doc