Thanks for coming back to me on this one.
According to my calculactions a model in scale 1:32 will be 106 cm long (126 cm long including wheels) and 25 cm wide. This is based on the original: length 111 feet = 33,80 meter, wide 26 feet = 7,92 meter. Please correct me if I am wrong here.
On my drawing it says that the depth is 5 feet 6 inches, calculated to 1,676 meter, in scale 1:32 that is 5,2 cm. Here something must be wrong. I am from Norway, English is not my language, but is "depth" measured from the waterline to the bottom of the boat, or is that "draft"? Your figure for "depth" means my calculations for weight is wrong, looking at the drawing I assume you are correct. The original had a depth/draft of 80 cm from waterline to the bottomn ?
Thanks a lot for bringing this to my attention. More calculations and thinking must be done before I continue building.