I'm looking at these 6Ch 2.4 Ghz radio systems from Giant Cod that everyone is shouting about.
Any good are they?
Mum' s offered to buy me one for Christmas
Which do I go for, the Heli version of the Plane version?
Mode 1 or mode 2? I'm used to rudder on right stick side to side plane?
I want it for the sailing trawler build I'm on with. I want four channels for winch control and one for rudder.
What servos and battery set up are folks using with these sets?
It's been a 15 year gap in model building and technology has moved on and left me behind somewhat and I'm a bit rusty on the jargon!
All advice gratefully received
I have a couple, with some extra receivers. I would say:
Compared to other sets on the market at the moment, these look to be the cheapest.
They seem to work well.
They are basic 4 channel - no programming, so it makes no sense to talk about heli or plane. Giant Cod do a £55-odd similar programmable set for helis and fixed-wing.
The Transmitter box is simple but strong. It takes 8 AA cells (in a very strong set of clips) and has a charging socket. Some people have upgraded them by putting a futaba 8-cell pack in the battery area.
The decorative trimming on the transmitter is poor and tatty. For instance, the servo reverse feature is four holes badly cut in the front ali trim, through which you poke little switches on the PCB inside.
The Transmitter has a Mode1/Mode2 switch and a Channel Mixer on/off switch on the PCB inside. Not easy to get at, but these unadvertised features are there.
The set comes with no instructions, in a simple packing carton.
There is no rate switching, and the end 1/4 of each stick throw does not produce any servo movement. Giant Cod have a mod on their forum to rectify both these issues, and there are extra sockets on the Transmitter board, so extra channels might be able to be easily added. The receiver is 6/7 channel.
You buy your own servos and flight battery. I have several different servo makes, all of which work with the system (but see above).
2.4 Ghz means you don't worry about frequency clashes, since the receiver 'binds' to a specific transmitter. However, 2.4Ghz does not go through water. So submariners can't use this frequency, and you should make sure that the receiver aerial is not tucked low in the boat under the waterline.
Quality control may be a bit weak - there is one report of roughish trim function on the GC site, and you have to open up the transmitter box to re-align the aerial properly. Mine came with the on/off switch cover knocked off as mentioned above (easy to replace)
I would say they are a good buy, but don't expect a system with the quality of a standard make. Incidentally, I notice that the Planet 5 5-channel set is available from my local model shop at £40,
http://www.allelectricrc.co.uk/planet-5-24ghz-tx--rx-set-1844-p.asp and that has better quality trim and a small LCD screen. The GC system will cost £30 with postage. I suspect we are about to see a price war for Christmas, and there may be other bargains in the offing....