Sumo Springer Rules
Springers must conform to the standard Springer configuration: - correct size 18 x 8, maximum 550 motor, maximum voltage 7.2volts, no Korts nozzles and the rudder must be a maximum of 4 square inches
The Competitors will start in the centre between two sets of markers
Competitors must attempt to push their opponents through the markers
Once the front of the pushing Springer reaches the markers it is declared the winner of that push
The competition will be on both Saturday and Sunday
Each round will last a maximum of 3 minutes, unless a Springer is pushed through the markers
After the 3 minutes have elapsed if neither Springer has been pushed out, the pushing Springer nearest the opponent’s markers is the winner
The winner of each round will go forward to the next
Competitors must register with Chingdevil, before or on the day so they can be put in the draw.
Springer Balloon Bursting Rules
Springer’s must conform to the standard Springer configuration:- correct size 18 x 8, maximum 550 motor, maximum voltage 7.2volts, no Korts nozzles and the rudder must be a maximum of 4 square inches
The Competition will take place in a 2metre square ring; competitors will be disqualified if they leave the ring
Competitors must attempt to burst the balloon mounted on the rear of the Springer using a pin mounted on the front of their Springer
The balloon must be attached at the rear of the springer at deck level
The balloon bursting device must be mounted at deck level on the front of the springer knees
If a balloon should fall off a Springer the clock will stop and the competitor must come to the side and re-attach it, during this time the other competitor cannot move under power.
If a balloon should burst and it had not been burst by the opposition, the clock will stop and the competitor must come to the side and refix it, during this time the other competitor cannot move under power
The competition will be on both Saturday and Sunday
Each round will last a maximum of 3 minutes, unless a balloon is burst
If after 3 minutes have elapsed no balloons have been burst, the competitors will be reset for another try. If after a further 3 minutes no balloons have been burst, the winner will be decided by which competitor tried the hardest to burst a balloon
The winner of each round will go forward to the next
The equipment to attach the balloon to the springer and the device to burst the balloon will be supplied on the day
Competitors must register with Chingdevil, before or on the day so they can be put in the draw