My Motors have arrive from Marki53 & Germany!
Thanks Mark..... and you even get a bag of sweets!
How's that for service! 
All of what you show is readily available here in the UK and no need for gearboxes if you dont like them though I know for fact that Graupner themselves have specd the Hachette running gear for this model on Amati's behalf

What does puzzle me is that the Hachette RC pack contains the exact same Graupner motors & nylon props and very likely the same prop shafts plus a radio, battery/charger & Graupner ESC for £125, am curious to know what you paid for your bag of goodies ???
If you had gone for the brass props and third motor it would at least have made some sense to the mod or maybe a third motor is OTT, even so am surprised that a guy with your model boat experience has gone for such a set-up via Germany :-\
It seems the benefit to what you have got there is having the motors pre-installed onto ply bearer's ???
Seems ludicrous to me to ship this stuff all the way from Germany as you could easily have thrown together the exact same components from within the UK at much less cost, hell of an expensive bag of sweeties

Your planking looks to have dry joints, quite often laser cut burns can dramaticaly reduce bonding and the cure to this sanding the brown residue away, I have used Aliphatic Resin for this build and have used waterproof Evostick in the past and no problems with either.