Thanks for the pics so far on this site, they are really useful. Looking at the plans, the plans basically only cover the rough outline of the vessel, specific details are "not there", same goes for the rear main winches, they are pictured, but not detailled, that, like a lot of other things is down to the actual model builder it seems.
I see what you means about deck condition, all the plans say is "green - non slip - ha ha.
I think if i skin the deck with a sheet of plastic, but sand the plastic sheet first, to roughen up and then pain "rusted", it will be of better effect, just leave the odd touch of "deck green" right along the edges where no work boot or cable would of dragged would be more accurate than the deck plan.
I shall definately remember about the single post use, again, plans show both, but due to the side elevation on the plans, there is no details "shown through" the side deck plating or railings.
Incidentally, the main mast looks a work of art, was it circular tube all over or square tube main and smaller round tube for the upperworks, where the lighting rigs are.
I presume the double arrangement of "red/green" lanterns on the lower level of the mast were for navigation lighst when going astern, show show "correct" when going in opposite direction. [Please forgive me, but Im no sailor- just trying to get accurate info].
many thanks for your perseverence with the pic disc and video clip, it will be greatly appreciated.
The plans do show the hull fitted out with 2 "marx" drive units, but my funds wont run to them, so am having to fit with korts instead, but should still look ok once in the water.