Well there are lots of very fine model boats Colin, and very fine cakes as well (and bread pudding) thanks to Debs...will visit lifeboat stand as love lemon curd......back to the plot (which we have this year) Congrats to Graham and the king Lear club for winning the best stand (I voted for them) Stavros on fine form, happy Hunter has lowered on half of the hall due to weight!!!! steamboatapprentice has nice new fishing boat (thank you Mr Dean) which yours truly put a 2.4 Ghz radio into (wot is it any way)
and was seen running her boat on the pool.....

Lots more boats this year I thought, and of course all the traders (which semed to be doing well today) Meet lots of mayhemers, good to see you all and meet new ones of course.....
Still have some Mayhem caps for sale £5 each money to the man in the bright shirt of course
who was also on fine form....
Tomorrow might go shopping........
Oh forgot
wife Steph (just cos we got matching rings....urm moving on..)has the £20.....I think
Tonight building Sea Urchin from the nice chap at Vintage Models.....off there tomorrow so see if he has a Sea Nymph.....