Glad to see you've managed to sort the gun movements out Chris and look forward to seeing (and hearing) the guns in action. Hope you get the delivery soon
HI Ray so am i glad as it was testin the ole brain with all them gears but the way it now works with the gears is the complete oppisste to the big gun turret as thats what threw me by tryin to use same gears again except i could not fit a big 1/16 tank turret gear as it was to big so had to use normall size gears an a sail winch servo but no joy

[size=78%] . So i treid out a normal servo an different gears sizes until i treid the three gears in the present arrement an volay yes it all worked nr enough crazy isnt it[/size]

[size=78%] as it was so different to just get the guns to turn the same way but a bit of thought an yes got it right in the end. An yes when the gun fire unit comes then i hopefully can get them guns to all work togeather an guns flash with the leds but on the 3 inch gun one 1mm led has failed[/size]

[size=78%] so i will just have one gun barrel lighting up but better than none eh well Ray many thanks for your intrest in the tiger build[/size]
more APPS comin soon
ATB to you Sir