Hi everyone
Thanks for the replies so far, this particular class of sub obviously has more followers than I expected.
Bobk, I would be very grateful for any pictures you have and I'll look through my pictures to see if there are any you don't have. Secondly, I looked through your thread this morning and would like to know if the caswell dive unit is the one used for the revell 1/72 gato class sub or a custom built one for yourself?
U33, I would also be very grateful for any detailed drawings of the k class, and I think Bobk might be interested too if he doesn't have them.
I am intending to build K3, the first K boat to be completed, my first idea was to build either K4 or K6 but I am a bit fed up building models of boats that suffered terrible fates (My HMS Coventry WW2 AA cruiser for example) and wanted something that survived for a while.
I can't remember which book it was described the K class as submersible destroyers because of their fire power and if they had been used correctly could had been devastating to any enemy vessel (seems to be a Royal Navy thing, like the battle cruisers they were used in the incorrect method for which they were not designed to do).
On a final note for the moment, the model from Lambeth is at Chatham museum but you need to book an appointment to view it, another silly idea which I believe was discussed in another thread on this forum.
Thanks so far...
Nick B