Hi All
Well after a bit of a break its time to start my second build log

This time its going to be a steam powered tug and I should say up front that this is my first foray into steam and also my first attempt at a double planked build. If you did see my last build you will know that I'm a pretty slow builder due to time constraints at home but I will do my best to keep it up to date. So..........whats in the box?
The kit seems very well thought out and comes with a very impressive set of accessories. At first glance there are lots of well made brass parts and what looks like a very good anchor winch which I believe with a bit of fettling could be made to work with a small motor. There is also all of the rigging, a 55mm cast brass propeller and a substantial towing hook too.
The laser cut parts seem cleanly cut and the plywood looks like its good quality. The planking is limewood and there is 135 strips that are 1.5x7x930mm in size. It does have a prop shaft included and 4 large 1:1 scale drawings to help with the build. The rest of the instructions are 4 A4 pages of poorly translated from Italian written instructions so I'll see how I get on with those.

The Steam plant is suppled by Pendle Steam Boilers and is a 3.5" boiler with a matched separator and 3" gas tank

The Engine is a TVR1ABB which is a little beauty to build

Which will also drive a boiler feed pump which was made for me by my mate Oohyah/F (George) from this forum

The plan from the off is to build the hull around the steam plant and its going to be a very very tight fit with many issues to overcome. The plant will be fully enclosed and hopefully I will solve them all with a lot of help.
Wish me luck - Mark