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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #250 on: June 18, 2024, 05:07:32 pm »

Hi David,

Nice and tidy work. Question will you be using “T” section conduit fittings for power cable take offs to say lights etc ?
Regards David


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #251 on: June 21, 2024, 04:36:18 pm »

Hi David

I could indeed make some T pieces, next on my list is to start getting the wiring sorted out, cut to length and so on as I've realised some of it may be best to be built in.  I'm also busy making templates of each of the frames, I need to check that they're symmetrical before planking up the sides of the hull.  I'm also giving thought as to when to bond in the prop tubes...  I know they usually go in pretty early in a build, I've made the cut outs for them in the first ply skin, but I'm thinking the mahogany planking would be neater if I just run whole planks, then drill / file the holes afterwards.

All just plans at the moment as the Wife has other plans at the moment involving the garden...   O0

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #252 on: July 12, 2024, 07:59:19 pm »

Evening All

Not checked in here for a while, but have been making progress with the build.

Interior has been given a coat or two of thinned z-poxy finishing resin, sealing and I hope adding some strength.  Conduits for cabling are also epoxied in.

I've started on the first layer of planking up the sides of the hull, beginning with a plank on the chine rails as a start point:

Then alternating sides and working up the hull:

And this is the current state:

Pleasing to see the shape of the Aquarama coming through..!

I've 3D printed some clips to help with the alignment of the planks between the frames, they're downloaded from Thingiverse and modified to have a 2mm 'grip' face, like this:

They can be pushed on as much as required, so all the way on where the planks are one above the other, partially on when there is a curve on the hull.

It's a bit laborious as I only get to add a pair of planks a day at the moment....

Little notch in the planking at the bow on the chine rail is to accommodate the eventual bow protector strip.

Best regards to all.
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Martin (Admin)

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #253 on: July 12, 2024, 08:08:27 pm »

Nice!    What wood are you using for the Planking?
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #254 on: July 13, 2024, 08:38:08 am »

Hi Martin

This layer is bass wood, 1.9m lengths of 9mm x 2mm.  And the mahogany layer planks are 1.9m x 8mm x 1.5mm.  80 lengths of the bass and 100 of the mahogany for the build. The hull is just over 1.7m, I asked a couple of companies to quote for 1.8m lengths, I then worked with John at Jotika to supply the wood when he had a suitable length of mahogany to cut the planks from at that length.  On his advice I went for 1.9m lengths to accommodate hull curves and ensure no need for any joints.

Have to say this is one of my favourite if nerve wracking parts of the build.

Best regards
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #255 on: July 13, 2024, 06:27:15 pm »

Absolutely astounding David  :-))   WOW


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #256 on: July 25, 2024, 05:59:52 pm »

Afternoon All

Thanks Mark..!  Putting everything into this one...

More planks on...

And from the bow:

Short (stealers..?) planks starting to be needed now at the bow to avoid excessive conforming of the full length planks.

And forgot to mention that I've used some 40mm Aluminium extrusion to make a build support for this part of the build.  It used some 3D printed supports with foam rubber to fully support the hull but give reasonable access too.

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #257 on: August 02, 2024, 04:32:18 pm »

Afternoon All

Almost there now with the first layer of side planking.  I've made up some 3D printed clips to help keep the planks aligned between frames, the space available is limited to get normal clamps in.  The clips just are sized to just hold at the point of contact, and a couple of mm either side.  On the Aquarama the top of the hull sides really flares at the bow, the 'side' planking goes from vertical to almost horizontal.

(I have shaped the actual planks to butt up, above is just show where the grip is.)

Also a little notch at the top / middle of the clip so it stays aligned with the plank being attached, seems to work..!

Planks starting to shape around the transom too:

Current profile (with the bow of the 1/10th in the foreground...):

And the bow:

I've added just one plank each side since these were taken, hope to get the sides complete over the weekend or early next week.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine..!

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #258 on: August 08, 2024, 10:34:09 am »

Morning All

Work been progressing to plank up the hull sides:

Pretty much there at the stern:

And finally I have the first layer of planks on.  No filling / sanding or sealing yet, but nice to see the Aquarama shape:

I'm leaving plenty of planking proud so I can fill the lip with epoxy, then shape with a sander:

So next will be to seal the inside of the new planks, then fill and sand the outside. 

Best regards to all.

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #259 on: August 08, 2024, 04:10:47 pm »

That's a really neat job you have there before any sanding is done.  Your little clamps obviously did a very good job - as did you!



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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #260 on: August 23, 2024, 12:10:30 pm »

Afternoon All

@Greg, thanks..!  The clamps did indeed do a good job, having said that, it's been quite tricky to maintain the correct curves...  I realise now why larger hulls may need more frames as they provide a better base to bend the planks over.  Hindsight...   O0

I've now trimmed the planks at the bow, stern and along the deck line:

1/10th for comparison.

Also applied thinned finishing resin to all inside hull surfaces and started the hull sanding process.

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #261 on: August 25, 2024, 05:09:30 pm »

Planking  :-)) :-)) :-)) :-))  will look fantastic when varnished. 
Regards David


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #262 on: September 20, 2024, 08:56:00 am »

Haven’t been on here for a while. Just caught up on your extremely hard work and excellent looking results. It looks amazing!
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #263 on: September 20, 2024, 12:51:33 pm »

Thanks for the comments..!

More progress on a few fronts.

Still working to get the first plank layer smooth and profiled correctly so it serves as a good and sound base for the mahogany planks.  Mainly using the proxxon belt sander with 80 grit at this stage.

Also been working on some smaller parts of the build.  The front cabin now has mahogany panels cut out for the 'footwell', not varnished yet.  I need access to the grating as there's a fan under it, so using magnets to hold the panels in place.

You can also see the start of the cabin cushions.  These are 2mm ply with 3mm neoprene, ready for the cream faux leather at some point.  I've made up some discs on the 3D printer to fit the holes taken out of the 6mm ply panels used for frame construction.  They have a flange on the underside and are generally glued in place (as below), some are bolted where I may need access later.

And these are some of the bolted versions, the thickness of the discs is such that when the second magnet and it's smaller disc is in place, the surface is flush.  So I just add a bit of epoxy to the second magnet disc, place the cushion and wait, it then looks like this:

And the cushion snaps into place.

I'm using same approach in other areas, so this is the cover for the motors, with the bench seat base on the left:

And in place:

Discs also in place (bolted just in case...) to retain the cockpit floor:

Sundeck will use magnets too, but at the moment I've just added some 3D printed clips that are positioned at the front edge for the sundeck, they're shaped to protrude under the sundeck frame, aim being to prevent the sundeck front edge lifting when out on the water.

Started to look at the seats too, trying to use the 3D printer to get some of the profiles, not there yet, a work in progress.  The print approach makes for rapid prototyping....

Using magnets embedded in the prints, they're an interference fit and need pressing in, but I add a drop of cyano to make sure:

Final part of todays update...  I've made up a mount for the steering wheel servo.

This also uses a collar to directly attach servo to the brass shaft.  I found the basic design on 'Thingiverse', it's splined one end to fit the servo, and takes a securing screw down the centre, then provides an 8mm hole at the other end.  I've made up a reducer out of more flexible TPU to make the brass shaft a push fit.

The mount uses a dovetail plate on the bulkhead so the servo can be added in after the forward deck is in place, and can be removed if needed in future.

So all in all I got a bit carried away playing with the 3D printer and need to get my act together with the sanding...

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #264 on: October 18, 2024, 11:56:29 am »

Afternoon All

Well I have done some more sanding / filling of the hull, but have to say it's still ongoing...  It's a challenge to get the levels and curves right on this (for me) large hull.  But I think time invested now will pay off, once the varnish goes on it will show up ripple and defects in the hull shape.

And I've gone back to the 3D printer for some more pieces and fixings.  I've decided to 3D print the seat plinths, they're a 1/3rd of the weight of the ply versions.  I can also print in some retaining magnets:

Also added some side rails to keep the seat aligned on the plinth:

The seat is very lightly tacked together with cyano at the moment, just so it stays together, it will come apart again for covering.

For the seat edges I've tried to use the 3D printer to give me a head start with the compound curves needed.  I use Tinkercad which doesn't really deal with or allow curved surfaces to be created directly.  So I've taken a 1mm slice of say the seat back to give me a start, then used the 'replicate' function, I realised that it was possible to replicate once, change the dimensions of the replicated piece, say length and or height, move it away from the first slice by say 0.5mm...  Then hit replicate several times and watch the piece build...  I'm not sure whether I'll need to fill and sand to a better shape, or maybe cover in thin foam before the final covering.  But at least this gives me an ability to churn them out easily til I find the right method.

Still working on the bench seat end pieces...  I've made the bench in 3 sections, centre will have flat material, outers will have the stitch pinstriping.  (And it was too big to print in once piece...)

Very best regards to all.
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Martin (Admin)

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #265 on: October 18, 2024, 01:24:23 pm »

This is such a great build     :-))
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #266 on: October 18, 2024, 04:18:44 pm »

I’d Second that David  :-)) :-))
Regards David


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #267 on: October 21, 2024, 02:59:25 pm »

Thanks for the encouraging comments both..!
Wife says I'm wasting my time and should go straight to a full size version...   O0

Very exciting to be starting to add some mahogany planking to the hull.  I want to get the lower hull planked so I can then get the prop shafts fixed in. So I'm starting with the transom as I like to run the fore / aft planks over the transom plank ends, just feels right that way.

I'm setting a single plank at a known height, then plank down, and eventually up from that initial plank.

I've also been pondering for many months on and off how to not use pins on this mahogany plank layer, anywhere.  I don't want pin heads at all, filled or not.  So I've made up some parts on the 3D printer that I hoped would do the trick, and they seem to be working well, at least on the transom.  The idea is to use large elastic bands that hold these T pieces applying pressure to the plank / hull, and also that they are under tension pulling the new plank against the adjacent plank...

They are also a little concave, so they apply pressure along their length, not just in the middle.  And for pulling the planks together, little teeth:

And some hooks to anchor the elastic bands:

And here's the first plank going on using the T pieces to conform it to the transom curves:

And working down from the first plank:

I'm pleased with the way they're working, tight planks:

I've had to cut out and drill the holes for the exhaust stubs before I cover all the screw holes...  They use brass inserts for threads so no winging it later...

And then back at it adding more planks:

The T pieces can just be moved up while sliding a new (glued) plank under the elastic bands, then work from the centre (for the transom) by moving the centre T piece down to hold the plank and repeat moving out.

So far it's working well.  And its useful experience with this approach to repeat it on the main hull planks.  No pins, no holes.  And at the moment, it's way quicker than working with pins...

Anyone used a similar approach..?  Did it work..?

That's todays update..!
Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #268 on: October 21, 2024, 07:17:28 pm »

This is an incredible build, I have been following from the beginning , and I am learning a lot (you are never too old to learn)
Brilliant  :-))
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #269 on: October 22, 2024, 12:42:23 am »

Those printed T clamps, with the pressure/force created by the rubber-bands is pretty inventive  :-)) ....well done David

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #270 on: October 22, 2024, 05:24:10 pm »

Thanks both..!  And @Phil, if I can give back to the forum for some of tips and tricks I've picked up on here over the last few years, that's good.

So far so good with the planking, now working my way up the transom, should have it trimmed tomorrow:

The T pieces are conforming the planks nicely, I'm printing up some modified versions at the moment that will make it easier to attach the elastic bands.  I'm using a small chisel as a scraper to clear any excess glue before adding each plank to keep them tight.

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #271 on: October 25, 2024, 03:45:44 pm »

Transom is now mahogany clad.  And no pins used:

And these are now the modified T pieces with little hooks for the elastic bands.  Just makes them easier to use.

And roughly trimmed:

I'm pleased with the result, I don't think the planks could be any tighter even using pins.  I'll probably leave the transom as is for a while and leave the sanding til nearer varnish time.  I'm thinking to now move onto planking the planing surface of the hull below the chines so I can get on with installing the prop shafts.

If anyone is interested in the 3D print files just drop me a PM, I think they could be resized for any plank size within reason.  I'll be using same method on the main hull planking.

Very best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #272 on: October 28, 2024, 12:40:20 am »

Is it only me as I can't see the photos in this thread on my Android tablet or on my PC?

I can only assume David that you are still doing an excellent job!

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #273 on: October 28, 2024, 01:36:50 pm »

Hi Chris..!

Well given you build Fairey Marine boats, I think there are two possible reasons you can't see the pics on this thread.

1. Your devices have marked anything to do with 'Riva' boats as Spam and dutifully removed them...
2. Martin has invoked an AI program on the Forum that filters out anything in your feed not related to 'Fairey Marine'...

To be honest I don't know why that would be, the images are downsized to 800x600px, they're hosted on the MBM Images site and added using the 'Insert Image' button on the toolbar.

Anyone else not seeing pics that I post..?

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #274 on: October 28, 2024, 06:41:07 pm »

I had problems with images from the Mayhem images site for a short time. My version of AVG virus checker had decided that this site was dodgy and refused to load any images. It initially decided that both MAyhem and images were phishing sites, had to set up the sites as exceptions to get acccess. (AVG on my laptop didn't have a problem)
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