Its a shame your first post is in disappointment :'(
in defence of Hachette, this is a partwork model so it builds very different to any kit you may likley have come across in the past and at times the build is frustrating.
I dont think the weekly magazine is designed to keep you busy for the day, though having said that certain issues will keep you busy such as the planking, it simply varies from issue to issue.
As for contacting Hachette, when you phone it is actually a call centre who like most call centres tend to take calls on behalf of a number of companies hence the usual wait especially at peak times of the day.
There is no point in sounding off at the call centre if you are unhappy with the series as I doubt it ever gets back to Hachette themselves, the best way is to either write or phone Hachette direct at there London office, feedback is always a good thing be it good or bad as it is how things might get changed for the future, there address is noted on the inside front cover of the 1st page

My personal opinion is that the Amati design & build for this model beggars belief in many ways and has put me off buying any further Amati kits, I plan to see this series thru to its end but as for being tempted by the Amati name in future then forget it ::)