On the .co.uk site the Germans are saying that Hachette initially had 40,000 that started the series which has now settled to around 20,000, I expect another two or three thou will still drop out as it gets further down the line.
These are the sort of figures I talked of and would hazard a guess that around half of these numbers would be buying into it in the UK, hell of a nice nice profit there after charging £700 per customer that completes the series for an item that might have cost Hachette £100 per customer
Daryl - Have a good read of Dirks posting on the .co.uk site in the 'Reaction from Amati' topic, a long detailed letter sent to Amati saying customers were getting more & more dissatisfied with the model and pointing out a comprehensive list of faults they found in Germany, the guy is writiing on behalf of the many German build forms and there is also a response from Amati
Its right to the point and looks like the Germans have caught Amati/Hachette with there pants down, Daryl do you recognise the name of Sergio
Martin, how are we fixed for posting these letters on here?...are we going to upset anyone other than to highlight the problems they have found and what Amati say so far?
The BIG concern is that the problems identified are heading to the UK
I like the reply posting from Bob saying that 'Amati/Hachette should have mentioned the RC side of things earlier in the build so that the various mods for prop shafts etc could have been easily made'.
I think the last minute decision for an RC option for this model came with good intentions but it simply came far to late in the deisgn to late to make life easy for the installation of it.
This is one of the problems we have been highlighting all along, to repeat myself again in that it is quite apparent that this kit was never intend for RC as all the evidence firmly backs this up, I just hope Hachette/Amati manage to pull this project off otherwise the bad PR from it might sink them and the Bismarck.
No doubt the media are looking on with close interest due to the bad press this partwork had from the outset regarding its length of 140 weeks and total cost, things wont look too rosey for Hachette partworks if this project goes pearshaped, there will also be egg on face for Amati too :'(